Sufi Dancing
(AKA Dances of Universal Peace)
at the Twin Cities Friends Meeting House
-Donations accepted, but not required-
The Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Meditations are spiritual practice in motion. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the Dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration.
From Morgan Rivers, Dance Leader from Des Moines:
Dances of Universal Peace
Join the Waukesha/Delavan Wisconsin Circles
Third Thursday October 15, 2020 from 7:00 - 8:45 pm CDT
Listening to a Voice Still and Small, Deep Inside All
Join us in sharing an evening of chants and simple dance movements with our focus on deeply listening to the vibrations emanating from our collective wish to live harmoniously. The heart listens differently than the ears, and will carry us toward community as we explore through song and motion traditional wisdom sayings and sacred melodies from varied spiritual paths.
All are welcome. Tell others who would join us! All chants/dances will be taught. No previous experience necessary. | While STAYING AT HOME, this is a wonderful opportunity to unite as one luminous circle, surrounded by peace. For ZOOM meeting link access in advance and additional information contact: Patti Kies (262) 642-9289 pattiburncake@hotmail.com |
Dances of Universal Peace participants are guided in a living experience
of unity, peace and integration. No performers or audience; all involved.
LAST 2020 date reserved ‘at’ United UU Congregation, Waukesha;
Watch for 2021 updates